Why have some American families struggled to keep their homes during the COVID pandemic, despite a federal ban on evictions? Facing Eviction offers an intimate look at the United States’ affordable housing crisis through the eyes of …
In 2021, a spokesperson for the Department of the Treasury was surprised to learn that Utah was using federal Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) money to pay landlords’ legal bills for evicting renters.
We describe and analyze the unprecedented eviction prevention housing policies enacted at the state level in response to COVID-19, where protections worked very differently from state to state.
Amy Rivo said she was given a notice to evict as soon as the moratorium ended in October. "They were essentially telling me I would be homeless a week before Christmas," she said.
Eviction is often seen as a city problem. This overlooks what’s going on outside of inner cities, leaving us blind to eviction patterns in suburban areas.